Association, Newsworthy

We are updating our bylaws

Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association Bylaws Review and Revision 

August 6th, 2024 

BCNA’s last major review and revisions took place in 2016. A singular change to the Bylaws took place in 2022 reflecting the need to provide for electronic communications Section 10 Emergency Response – Virtual Assembly and Voting due to the pandemic. 

An ad hoc committee was formed to review and propose needed revisions to the Bylaws. Section 8 of the BCNA Bylaws describes the process for Bylaw changes. Revisions and or amendments must have 2/3rd majority of a quorum present provided that the amendments or revisions have been submitted in writing to members. A presentation of proposed changes, the “first reading” will be made at a General Associating Meeting followed by “second reading” at a subsequent General Association meeting. Approval requires 2/3rd majority of quorum of members present. 

Proposed Timeline for Bylaw Review and Recommendations for Revisions/Amendments 

AD Hoc Committee Established – June 2024 

First Reading of Bylaw Changes – August General Association Meeting 

Note: August meeting will be virtual, proposed changes will be posted in BCNA bulletin and on member listserv. 

Second Reading of Bylaw Changes – October General Association Meeting 

Effective date, Approved Bylaw Changes – December 2024 

Recommended Revisions and Additions by Ad Hoc Bylaw Committee 

Article II – Officers. 

Section 3 – Provides for co-position by officers (two persons sharing officer duties) with the approval of the General Association. Provides for voting restrictions related to co-positions. 

Article IV – Duties of Officers. 

Section 1 F President. Adds section 4 related to President serving as a chair to Ad Hoc Committees. 

Section 2 A&B Vice President – Neighborhood Issues. Adds the responsibility to VP Neighborhood Issues or a designee the administration of entire digital footprint, including, but not limited to: Overall Access & Password Control (Bitwarden),Domains, Word Press or other content management system, Shared Drive, Social Media Accounts, Website Admin, Zoom or Teams Meetings. 

Section 4 C Communications Director. Adds section C related to the recruitment of a Community Engagement volunteer(s) to facilitate Community Engagement efforts. 

Section 5 C Treasurer. Formalizes duties to facilitate annual membership drive and renewal. 

Section 6 B Secretary. Formalizes duties to maintain minutes and legal and other documentation including databases on Association Shared Drive. 

Article V- Committees. 

Section 4 B Committee Meetings. Provided for in person or digital meeting notifications of date and time at least 48 hrs. in advance. 

Section 5 J – Steering Committee. Steering Committee will provide the General Association at its first annual General Association Membership meeting with an annual budget detailing expected income and expense for the fiscal year. Increases the out of budget expense from $750 to $1,000 with the approval of 2/3rds of the Steering Committee. 

Section 6 Zoning Committee. Clarifies the Zoning Committee’s role to observe and if asked patriciate in the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan Contact Team’s implementation of the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan. 

Article VII – Elections. 

Section 2 Candidate Registration. A candidate does not have to be present to be elected. 

Below is the current draft for the update with updates in red or highlight.