BCNA Steering Committee meeting Monday June 1st 2020

BCNA Steering Committee meeting. Monday June 1st, 2020
This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom.
6:45–review and approve prior minutes
6:50–discussion on BCNA admin issues, including potential sector map changes
6:55–budget discussion and vote
7:00–Communications, including listserv roll-out
7:10–Discussion of SoCo parking study recommendations (summary needed, see above)
7:20–Discussion of Healthy Streets program roll-out and impact
7:30–GA meeting meeting planning (tentative agenda items below for consideration), including meeting announcements
7:40–Other committee & sector updates
GA Meeting items:
–Discussion of 1612 Newton St variance request and SC vote and confirmation vote by GA
–Discussion of 2020 BCNA budget and approval of that
Minutes are HERE