Austin Water Outdoor Rebates
Austin is experiencing dryer than usual conditions this winter and warmer temperatures are on the way. But fear not! Austin Water offers a variety of landscape and irrigation-related rebates to help you maintain your landscape while saving precious water. It could save you some money too!
From rebates on rainwater harvesting systems, to hose timers, to healthier, happier landscapes that need less water to thrive, Austin Water’s got you covered. We even offer swimming pool rebates that help reduce water loss in the Texas heat!
Check out the full list of Austin Water’s rebates and incentives at
Just in time for the spring planting season, here are a few of the rebates we currently offer:
The Landscape Survival Tools Rebate encourages customers to improve their landscapes using mulch, compost, and core aeration. Eligible applicants can receive up to $120 for the following upgrades:
- $50 for at least 2 cubic yards of compost (perfect for topdressing a yard)
- $40 for at least 2 cubic yards of mulch
- $30 for core aerating service of entire front and/or back lawn
For customers looking to transform their landscape, you’ll want to check out Austin Water’s WaterWise rebate programs.
- The WaterWise Landscape Rebate encourages customers to convert healthy turf grass to native plant beds that require less water. *New increased rebate amount – $100 per 100 square feet!
- The WaterWise Rainscape Rebate helps customers install landscape features such as raingardens, berms, terraces, and swales to promote better absorption during rain events.
Due to planting seasons, both WaterWise programs have time sensitive pre-approval periods. Please contact Austin Water staff (below) if interested.
The Irrigation Upgrade Rebate offers customers up to $1,000 to improve their automatic irrigation system. Rebates for up to seven different irrigation system upgrades include:
- Up to $50 for Rain or Soil Moisture Sensor
- Up to $150 for an Irrigation System Pressure Regulating Valve
- Up to $200 for converting to 6-inch heads ($3 per head)
Customers can apply to one or multiple rebates to maximize their water and money savings. Before starting a project or purchasing any equipment, make sure to read through the eligibility requirements and guidelines found on each rebate application.
It takes a lot of blue to stay green. Conserving water today means protecting our water supply for generations to come. For more information about Austin Water Conservation’s rebates, tools, and programs, please visit, call (512) 974-2199, or email