All the News that Fits June 2020

Missing something, let us know. Thanks
Updates 06-28-2020
COVID-19 update: Appears we end the month and start July with a spike in cases and stage 4: Risk. It is hard to pin down all the causes: willful Ignorance, terminal stupidity or folks just having to get out, socialize and party. But we will pay-having lost our first engagement in our war against this virus. If we can’t act responsibly, not only do we put family, friends and others at risk and increase the financial burden of medical care but also may well force the closure of some of our small businesses.
It’s up to us!
Get out and VOTE (Note from neighbor Melynda Nuss)
Today is your first chance to VOTE EARLY for the JULY 14 RUNOFF! We have several important races on the ballot this time, including choosing a new District Attorney and County Attorney, picking Kirk Watson’s successor in the Texas State Senate, and choosing which candidate is going to beat John Cornyn in the fall. Early voting runs from June 29-July 10th, with polls closed July 3rd and 4th for Independence Day. Election Day is July 14th.
Like everything else this year, voting is going to be a little different. There will be no more grocery store early voting locations — it’s too hard to social distance. And only a limited number of people are allowed indoors, so the County Clerk advises everyone to bring some water an umbrella to shield yourself from the sun in case you have to wait outside. There will be hand sanitizer and disposable ballot “pens” to use with your touch screens. Also, because of the 4th of July weekend, the only weekend voting day is Sunday, July 5th. The early voting period is longer than usual this election; I’d advise you to take advantage of it. You really do NOT want to be in a line on election day.
The other big news: Gardner Betts (across from the HEB on South Congress) is NOT a polling place this time. Our closest early voting locations are Travis High School, 1211 East Oltorf, and City Hall. On Election Day there will also be polls open at 1511 South Congress and 1100 Cumberland Rd — in addition to City Hall and Travis High.
If you think it seems odd to vote in July, you’re right. The runoff was originally scheduled for May, but it was moved on account of COVID.
Check and for more information about your closest polling place and about what’s going to be on the ballot. You can find information on the candidates in the Austin Chronicle. And may the force be with you.
Bouldin Bulletin
Hot off the press is the June-July Bouldin Bulletin.
The same good stuff you might have read while drinking a cup of coffee —but in digital form. HERE:
Following local health guidelines this issue of the Bouldin Bulletin is to be distributed ONLINE ONLY – in order to prevent unnecessary contact among neighbors and delivery volunteers.
Thanks to John Shobe, our Publisher, Ronnie Dittmar, editor, and Rob Clayton our web admin.,for bringing us into the world of digital publishing – a potentially more mobile-friendly, color, version of the Bouldin Bulletin.
Also thanks to neighbors for articles and to our advertisers.
South Congress Parking Strategy
This will have neighborhood wide impact but especially Yellow and Lavender Sectors.
Information HERE:
Healthy Streets Initiative
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Austin Transportation is working to create places that promote physical and mental health and also provide safe options to access jobs and services. With direction from Austin City Council (Resolution 20200507-062), Austin Transportation has initiated a Healthy Streets Initiative that will connect previously disconnected portions of the active transportation network and create more space for daily physical activity.
More info HERE
West Mary St. Notice-CoA notice of repairs to W. Mary St. between Newton St. and East Bouldin Creek . The Mary Street Storm Drain Relief system will help reduce the risk of flooding for several homes within the project area.
Since mailing information about the project, there has been a change in start date. We’re now expecting construction to begin Mid –May 2020, weather permitting.
Work hours are currently 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We expect the project to take five months to complete.
More Info HERE
Note June Association meeting!
Note from BCNA Officers
Hi Neighbors,
The Association Officers are in discussion regarding having an informal Neighborhood Zoom meeting – one neighbor has an account that can host 100 people (doubt if we would have that many). This would likely be an unofficial meeting, as we’ve already cancelled the actual meeting.
Please stay tuned – hoping we can get something going.
Thanks, Ronnie D, Treasurer
Whether you’re interested in avoiding traffic, parking issues, or strolling to a good time, here are the websites to discover the goings and on of which to be aware:
Note: all meetings subject to change during current health regulations.
BCNA Meeting Schedules:
BCNA General Association Meeting:
2ndTuesday, every other month
BCNA Steering Committee Meeting:
1st Monday, each month
BCNA Zoning Committee Meeting:
3rd Monday each month
Meetings at 6:45pm
The High Road, 700 Dawson Road