BCNA Steering Committee Meeting 03-02-2020

Monday March 2nd BCNA Steering Committee Meeting
SC meeting agenda
6:45-50–Review prior minutes (Matt)
6:50-55–February GA meeting recap (for my benefit) & brief RPP update (Jesse)
6:55-00–LDC update & brief discussion (Jesse)
7:00-05–Discussion of Travis County GOP petition to criminalize homelessness (Jesse, see below)
7:05-7:10–Sector reassignment update (Kate, Stephanie, et al.)
7:10-15–Waterfront board & SoCo parking study updates (Jeff, as needed )
7:15-25–Parks update including grant & upcoming Park Day (Ingrid)
7:25-30–Budget update (Ronnie, as needed)
7:30-35–Zoning update (Paul, as needed)
7:35-7:50–Communications discussion, including listserv & website (Mimi, Matt, Gary et al.)
7:50-55–Sector updates (as needed)
Minutes from March 2nd BCNA Steering Committee Meeting HERE