BCNA Steering Committee Meeting

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Steering Committee Meeting 02-03-2020
Hello neighbors–The Steering Committee Meeting of the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association will be next Monday February 03,
beginning at 6:45 pm at the High Road on Dawson, 700 Dawson Rd.
SC meeting agenda
6:45-50–Review minutes (Matt)
6:50-55–Record keeping policy (Matt)
6:55-7:00–Mural for Ricky Guerrero Park (Kate)
7:00-05–Neighborhood map (Kate)
7:05-15–LDC discussion (Jesse)
7:15-20–RPP update & median project update (Jesse)
7:20-30—budget (Ronnie)
7:35-40–elections (Lavender Zone, SCWAB)
–newsletter translation (Jody)
–meeting signs & coasters (Jody)
7:50-8:00—GA Meeting planning (Jesse)
Tentative GA Meeting Agenda on February 11
6:50-7:00–elections (Lavender Zone, SCWAB)
7:00-10—budget presentation & vote
7:10-20—Parks Update (RG Mural, other projects?)
7:20-30–LDC update & discussion
7:30-adjourn: Candidate open mic
BCNA Meeting Schedules:
BCNA General Association Meeting:
2ndTuesday, every other month
BCNA Steering Committee Meeting:
1st Monday, each month
BCNA Zoning Committee Meeting:
3rd Monday each month
Meetings at 6:45pm The High Road, 700 Dawson Rd